HAPPY NEW YEAR! January 1st is often a day of taking stock in where you have been in the past year and where you want to go in the new year. At Hero Shack, we too have been looking back at last year’s successes as well as the area’s that we need to improve Hero Shack. We have specific plans of where we want to go in 2025 and are excited to accomplish the goals we are setting for this year.

The Great Cyclopian series is winding down and all 12 issues will complete by the end of 2025! Currently issues 1-9 are available on Amazon.com. Feel free to check them out here: The Great Cyclopian

Currently, we are planning our comic con schedule for 2025. We hoping to do more smaller venues, but will definitely plan to attend some larger ones too. Stay tuned for our upcoming comic con schedule coming soon!

“The Cardinal of Justice,” a black and white graphic novel, is currently being completed. The targeted audience is 18 plus. The story is arc covers many century’s and will offer the reader a walk through history. Let me just say this, the artwork is AMAZING! We will begin crowdfunding soon for “The Cardinal of Justice” and will offer a pre-launch page, look for further details in the weeks to come.

We will be revamping our online store and adding more merchandise. As stated before, you can still find all of the Great Cyclopian books on Amazon.com plus we still offer a free read here right on our website, just click on the comic tab!

Until next time, be well.


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